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Rails provides several ways to organize our routes.

Scope by URL:

scope 'admin' do
  get 'dashboard', to: 'administration#dashboard'
  resources 'employees'
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This generates the following routes

get       '/admin/dashboard',          to: 'administration#dashboard'
post      '/admin/employees',          to: 'employees#create'
get       '/admin/employees/new',      to: 'employees#new'
get       '/admin/employees/:id/edit', to: 'employees#edit'
get       '/admin/employees/:id',      to: 'employees#show'
patch/put '/admin/employees/:id',      to: 'employees#update'
delete    '/admin/employees/:id',      to: 'employees#destroy'
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It may make more sense, on the server side, to keep some views in a different subfolder, to separate admin views from user views.

Scope by module

scope module: :admin do
  get 'dashboard', to: 'administration#dashboard'
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module looks for the controller files under the subfolder of the given name

get       '/dashboard',          to: 'admin/administration#dashboard'
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  • We can rename the path helpers prefix by adding an "as" paramete
scope 'admin', as: :administration do
  get 'dashboard'

# => administration_dashboard_path
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  • Rails provides a convenient way to do all the above, using the method.
  • The following declarations are equivalent
namespace :admin do

scope 'admin', module: :admin, as: :admin
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Scope by controller

scope controller: :management do
  get 'dashboard'
  get 'performance'
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  • Generate these routes
get       '/dashboard',          to: 'management#dashboard'
get       '/performance',        to: 'management#performance'
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Shallow Nesting

Resource routes accept a : shallow option that helps to shorten URLs where possible. Resources shouldn't be nested more than one level deep. One way to avoid this is by creating shallow routes. The goal is to leave off parent collection URL segments where they are not needed. The end result is that the only nested routes generated are for the :index ,:create , and :new actions. The rest are kept in their own shallow URL context. There are two options for scope to custom shallow routes:

  • :shallow_path: Prefixes member paths with a specified parameter.
scope shallow_path: "sekret" do
  resources :articles do
    resources :comments, shallow: true
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  • :shallow_prefix: Add specified parameters to named helpers
scope shallow_prefix: "sekret" do
  resources :articles do
    resources :comments, shallow: true
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  • You can also illustrate shallow routes more by:
resources :auctions, shallow: true do
  resources :bids do
   resources :comments
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  • alternatively coded as follows (if we are block-happy):
resources :auctions do
 shallow do
   resources :bids do
     resources :comments
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Resulting routes are

Prefix Verb URI Pattern
  • We analyze the routes generated carefully, We will notice that the nested parts of the URL are only included when they are needed to determine what data to display.

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